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“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated....”

From the ancient times, India as a nation has regarded its animals as an indispensable part of the eco-system and the fact that they are worshiped across the states in different forms, goes on to indicate the compassion of people towards the fellow beings. However, that structures only one aspect of the story. The penances, murdering, beating and maltreatment of animals at the hands of the mank ... Read More


“If I find the constitution being misused, I shall be the first to burn it....”

By saying this, the father of Indian constitution Baba saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar assured each and every citizen of India that their fundamental rights, guaranteed by the constitution embodied in Part III, will not be violated and misused by any one in any manner. India, being the largest democracy, has a document called the Indian constitution, which ties the government to one end and its cit ... Read More


“There can be no more intense discovery of society’s spirit than how it treats its youngsters....”

Inter-country adoption is an inexorably normal type of family development. It very well may be characterized as a reception of a kid by an individual of another nation.

In the course of the most recent ten years the number of children who are received by families who live outside the birth country of the child has increased significantly. The increasingly globalized world is obsc ... Read More


“Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom - and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech....”

“The object of the discipline enforced by the Court in case of contempt of court is not to vindicate the dignity of the Court or the person of the Judge, but to prevent undue interference with the administration of justice.”

-Bowen, L.J



On the other hand, the word ‘contempt&rsq ... Read More


“Customers are the most important visitor on our premises, they are not dependent on us, and we are dependent on them. They are not an interruption in our work. They are the purpose of it. They are not...”

The golden words reiterated by the father of our nation bears within itself the very purpose of a law that was incorporated primarily for the welfare of consumers. The concept of consumer protection is not something that has originated like just another fluctuating trend but in fact traces its origin from the existence of human civilization. With gradual passage of time, the concept has recurre ... Read More


“It is a matter of common prudence that an international client who shall choose India as a center for dispute resolution through arbitration, shall not necessarily prefer to opt for a legal representa...”

Arbitration is always a preferred dispute resolution mechanism for commercial disputes. It is pursuant to this only a High Level Committee was constituted under the Chairmanship of Mr. Justice B N Srikrishna to review the institutionalization of arbitration mechanism in India and submit a report.

It is a strange paradox that the International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolu ... Read More


“Why should citizenship be a matter of birth? The premise held by those who want to end birthright citizenship is that some people deserve it and some do not- that the status shouldn’t be handed out ...”

"The essential need to review exists, but the argument of a person's individual right to decide his status supersedes. Any decision on reviewing an already existing law in India has to go through the rigours which run not solely through the courtroom but much beyond to the political arena and socio-cultural milieu."

-Karan S ... Read More


“To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves...”

India’s Farmers have been protesting against the new Agricultural Laws for months. Into their sixth straight month of striking and protesting, farmers in India continue to demand the repeal of three recently passed agricultural bills that they believe prioritize corporate interests over their own. The protests began in August when the three bills were first disclosed and have continued to ... Read More

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