Adoptions, Inter-Country or Domestic & Surrogacy Related Laws

The Law Firm is extensively experienced in adoption matters and intricate laws governing Inter-Country adoptions.

Our lawyers have got various cases of inter-country adoptions approved and helped couples in taking their adopted child to a foreign country in compliance with the law.

We have represented clients in landmark cases related to inter-country adoptions and have availed favourable decisions from the Court in relation to adoption of a child. The laws relating to Inter-Country adoptions are very complex and most of the people are totally unaware of hold half-baked knowledge on the subject. Most of the people get into the hands of unprofessionals who make the case more complex and difficult to approve. It is always advisable to seek for the best professional advice in case of adoptions as it involves a future of a child and in the event of any problem, it shatters the hopes of the adoptive parents completely.

Thukral Law Associates has been providing legal services and legal representation in adoption related matters to domestic and international clients.

Our Law Firm ensures that NRI’s do not face any problems in adopting a child in India subject to due compliances and permission from the Court.

Our Law Firm was the key counsel who represented couples from four different countries before the Hon’ble Delhi High Court in cases related to direct inter-country adoptions and CARA related guidelines.

Our office shall represent you from the beginning to the end of the process and shall take care of all the steps involved in the adoption of a child including passport issuance and immigration.

The main aspects of the Law Firms expertise in this field involve:

In case you are adopting a child in India and hold a NRI status or a foreign citizen. Cases involving adopting a child from an orphanage or a child welfare center in India. The process involves several compliances, Court process and Approvals.

Inter-Country Direct Adoption & Relative Adoption

Cases you are adopting a child directly from the biological parents under the Hindu Adoptions Act. Cases involving adopting a child from a relative in India under the various rules and laws applicable.

Steps involved in Inter-Country Adoptions

Adoption Ceremony and Registration of Adoption Deed Home Study Report / Approval Court Decree / Order Issuance of the Passport of the Child Amended Birth Certificate of the Child No Objection Certificate or Letter from the CARA Visa Processing & Immigration of the Child

We are one of the top Adoption law firm in India. The firm is headed by Mr. Karan S. Thukral, one of the best Adoption lawyer in Delhi. The law firm is comprised of best Adoption lawyers in India. Mr. Karan S. Thukral being one of the best high court lawyer in Delhi, provides you with the finest legal advice. The firm specializes in NRI laws, thus delivering you legal services from the best NRI Adoption lawyer in Delhi.

Cases involving adopting a child in India from directly natural biological parents or a child welfare agency or an Orphanage.

Surrogacy Procedures & Laws


We provide you with all the contracts/papers/documents etc that are needed in the surrogacy process for instance the surrogacy contract, the endorsement by clinic, contract for financial terms etc


We Assist Intended Parents in obtaining expedited Birth Certificate(s) from Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) and getting Apostille Sticker on the Birth Certificate from the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), wherever required.


We arrange all the documents, application etc for the passport and exit of the children. Further we also arrange the meetings with embassy if needed. We assist Intended Parents with obtaining Exit Visas for children through Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Foreign Regional Registration Office (FRRO) in Delhi.


We ensure that all your documents needed for obtaining a favourable court order are prepared well in time. Also we represent the intended parents in the Court if the need be. In the event of any dispute arising out of surrogacy arrangements, we address the same before appropriate forum, with our expertise and relevant knowledge on the subject.

© 2022, Copyright Thukral Law Associates

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I Karan S. Thukral and my Legal Team at Thukral Law Associates have a passion for law, devotion towards our work, and a strong bond between our associates. We continually strive to be the standard for excellence in the legal field while providing you with efficient and cost-effective representation.
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